I recently delivered a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) course for menopausal symptoms in January 2021. The sessions were delivered via Zoom, which is not how I like to interact with my clients but owing to the pandemic, it is the safest option at the moment.
The group was made up of eight ladies at varying stages of the menopause and all very engaged to get some relief from the symptoms. The course comprises the principles of CBT , stress management, understanding and managing hot flushes ,sleep problems, understanding sleep hygiene and finding how to overcome some of the problems contributing to the insomnia. Each individual was guided in how to develop a management plan going forward and we looked at other issues experienced by individuals undergoing the transition to the menopause.
The women were from all areas of Allstate NI and some having never met before, but by the final week, they had set up a support group to keep in touch and support each other. I will reconnect with this group in May to help keep them on track and iron out any issues that they might encounter.
The participants gave feedback through a course evaluation form and what follows are a sample of comments:
- “The course content was perfect for anyone going thru the Menopause.”
- “The instructor’s contribution to the course was Fantastic. Anne is a very warm, personable, empathetic woman. She built great rapport with the group despite being on zoom and made everyone feel comfortable to share their personal experiences. “
- “The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was excellent, bringing the right balance of medical knowledge, practical tips and personal experience.”
- “Course organization was Excellent. We all received the course literature and have it to refer to in the future.”
- “Explanations by instructor were excellent. Anne has a great way of explaining the subject matter in lay-man terms giving examples to enhance our understanding.”
- “Confidence in instructor’s knowledge was excellent. Anne’s professional experience as a nurse shone thru as did her personal experience with the menopause. It’s very apparent she is passionate about helping women with menopausal symptoms.”
- “Instructor’s enthusiasm was and answers to questions were? Excellent. Anne exuded enthusiasm for life and the subject matter. She really engaged with the group and encouraged the group members to engage with each other.”
- “The course and facilitator were fantastic and have already made a difference to my life by equipping me with the knowledge and skills to face the challenges of menopausal symptoms.”