About Anne McGale
Anne has worked as a Practice nurse nurse in the local community for the last 39 years. She is also a freelance facilitator delivering workshops across Northern Ireland and Ireland.
Experienced working with all age groups and with individuals with a variety of different health conditions Anne has completed a certificate, diploma and degree in health promotion and values the importance of sharing health education within the community.
Menopause Wellbeing NI has delivered workshops in menopause awareness, stress management and health programmes to many organisations such Allstate, Translink, Concentrix, Northern Ireland Electricity, Inspire, Ulster University, Omagh Council and PHA and adoption and fostering carers and women’s groups in the community such as NIRWN.
Having dealt with her own menopause, Anne found the experience frustrating and confusing and she realised that there was a lack of readily available evidence-based information out there on the menopause and how to manage the symptoms.
Following this she committed to offering practical and educational help so no other woman would go ignorantly through the issues that she had personally experienced. She began to explore other holistic options to manage the range of menopausal symptoms and invested in creating and delivering educational seminars, workshops, training and awareness sessions to hundreds of individuals via local community, public, charity and third sector and corporate organisations and also on a one to one basis.

As part of her personal health journey Anne initially used natural treatments to manage the transition through menopause such as yoga, reflexology and aromatherapy. Very quickly she was finding that these helped her to manage some of her own symptoms. She subsequently trained in a range of Holistic therapies including reflexology, aromatherapy and auricular acupuncture (NADA Protocol which is beneficial in PTSD, sweats, smoking cessation and calmness). Anne is now a member of FHT: the Federation of Holistic Therapists.
Anne has carried out a wide range of research into all things relating to the menopause and made contacts with other disciplines such as the Equality Commission to look at legal aspects and discrimination in the workplace. She ran “the Big Pause” event and developed her own series of workshops including:
- Menopause Awareness sessions
- Menopause in the Workplace
- CBT for Menopausal symptoms (6 Week workshop)
- One to one Menopause awareness and assessment session
She has delivered these menopause-focused workshops to many groups in the corporate, charity, third sector/voluntary and public sectors.
Anne is available to deliver these sessions via Zoom or in person. These programmes and services on menopausal education cover all aspects of the menopausal transition so that you can attend your GP with the information and make an informed decision on how you wish to proceed with your transition into the menopause.
Anne has also trained in CBT for Managing menopausal Symptoms with the British Menopause Society and has also completed The Foundations in the Menopause Care, Principles and Practice of Menopause both delivered through the Menopause Society. She is also a member of British Menopause Society and is passionate to help individuals in this area.
Anne can deliver a 6-week course in 1 hour group sessions via zoom or in person which teaches individuals the skills you can use to treat hot flushes, night sweats and insomnia and anxiety.
Groups consist of 8 to 10 participants. There is homework in-between sessions and the more the individual puts into their learning on the programme the more skills and benefits they will gain.
If you would like to avail of either of the above-mentioned workshops or CBT Sessions or book a one-to-one session please contact Anne directly:
Email: annemcgale@gmail.com
Tel: 07741490140
Caring For Your Health

We understand that you are not living your best life possible unless your mind and body are completely healthy. That’s why we take a holistic approach to your wellbeing.
Natural Healing

Our goal is to provide alternative medical care to manage health using the fundamental healing principles of mind-body medicine. Our results prove the best way forward is with awareness and education.
What we offer

Health education on CBT for menopause symptoms, 6 week course, small groups of 8- 10 persons
- Stress management and mental health awareness
- Women, Menopause and the Workplace
- Breast, Cervical and Bowel awareness screening
Health Medical
- Weight, Height and BMI screening
- Cholesterol screening
- Stress management
- Alcohol and smoking awareness

Holistic Treatments
- Reflexology
- Aromatherapy
- Indian head massage and
- Auricular acupuncture (NADA Protocol)
- Teaching Baby Massage to parents and carers
All of this is available to be provided by Anne within your work environment or vouchers can be given and alternative arrangements made to suit.
If you would like to avail of a taster session or discuss options as part of your workplace health and well-being provision please contact us.