Roger Golden
HR Manager
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, te duo labitur dolores. Te eos soleat equidem menandri, duo feugait scaevola lobortis cu, ut ius viderer quaestio expetenda. Sale constituto omittantur usu te, ne nostrud quaeque sit. Ea sea viderer noluisse ponderum, ea cum dicat omittam posidonium, ei ubique nostro has. Appetere appellantur ei eum, est aperiri.
Phone: +1(012)3456 78 90
Mail: name@mail.com
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People About Roger
"In 2021 NI Rural Women’s Network identified a need for Menopause Training and Support amongst our members so we applied to the PHA for funding to deliver the Menopause & Me Programme. As part of the funding criteria we had to employ a suitably qualified and experienced facilitator. Anne McGale came highly recommended to us so we engaged her to deliver two six week Menopause Programmes to our members via Zoom.
I found Anne to be a friendly, caring, and optimistic person. She was always well prepared and punctual for each session. She has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the subject of menopause and perimenopause and conveyed this to the participants effectively throughout both six week programmes, covering all aspects of the menopause, from managing symptoms, alternative therapies, HRT and practical advice and tips .
Anne has a nurturing personality and went out of her way to help the women address their individual needs. The feedback from participants was excellent and I would highly recommend Anne as a facilitator."
Paula McAliskey, Engagement Officer, NI Rural Women’s Network
Allstate NI are passionate about educating and supporting our employees during perimenopause and menopause. We have had the pleasure of working with Anne since 2018. During this time Anne has provided Menopause education and awareness through her training, talks and courses. Allstate NI have partnered with Anne in more recent years offering our employees the opportunity to attend her Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) 6-week course for dealing with symptoms of menopause. Employee feedback on the CBT course has been extremely positive with participants rating it 5/5. One employee reported the course to be “life changing” for her. Allstate NI continue to partner with Anne with plans to offer more education and CBT courses in 2023. Martina Donaghy Senior HR Consultant
During the assessment, having someone listen to me and confirm that I have in fact started my menopause journey was a relief, having this confirmed felt like a weight lifted off of me.Your caring and professional manner while guiding me through the check list was refreshing, I didn't feel spoken down to and came away from the session invigorated now I know for certain what's going on inside myself, I'm not becoming forgetful, short tempered, emotional and irrational for no reason. Your positivity about the menopause was encouraging, it wasn't all doom and gloom, you provided me with some useful information and tools to make my journey as easy as possible. I felt supported and ready to start this next chapter of my life. I downloaded the Balance app and have been browsing through it to see what looks interesting/helpful.I had a great sleep after my visit and no napping this weekend either, so that was a surprise. Also my mood was very positive and light on Thursday and Friday at work which I am putting down to the acupuncture and massage. Some of the guys at work commented that I was different on Thursday but they weren't sure what it was.
Anne, I want to thank you once again for seeing my last week, I arrived anxious and unsure, then left feeling empowered and ready to take control of this situation after our one to one session.